68: The Other Me and The Local Folkal

68: The Other Me and The Local Folkal

Tonight, on a very special Clone High…

It’s a Lawrence brother movie, so you have to have more than one brother right? Do clones count?

67: Avalon High and Half A Death Star

67: Avalon High and Half A Death Star

Ain’t no party like an Avalon Party ‘cus an Avalon party involves THE RETURN OF THE KING!

Adair and Maia breakdown this teenage T. H. White inspired romp, and get into their favorite fairytale reimagining, drink mezcal, and talk about how teenagers makeout at the worst time!

65: Bad Hair Day and Hair of The Dog

65: Bad Hair Day and Hair of The Dog

What could prom bad? Bad hair? A bad dress? Or having to pick a college that day? Or being involved in an FBI investigation? Why not all four?

Maia and Adair break down a well crafted romp through one crazy day!

64: Now You See it and The Magical Hour

64: Now You See it and The Magical Hour

Murderous magicians, cooky cocktails, and hilarious hosts!

Is it a good movie? Well, no, not really…At least by any metric that exists in this version of reality. Did your hosts, Maia and Adair, have a good time talking about it? Absolutely.